
Hi all! Sitting in your bed at night and reflecting is a great exercise for starters. It is broadening my perspective already! Last few days' events got me thinking a lot about relationships. And last week's events had already gotten me to write. Top it with a great book and you get the right amount of motivation to write your first blogpost. The name is something I liked as is from this very interesting  book. So I am in my heart grateful to the author and I m keeping this till I get something better, but for now this one is really close to heart and well eyes so I say again, m keeping it. Here's sharing my final take on difficult relations. Expecting anything from anybody is quite really a worthless thing to do. It first makes you dependent on the other person. Later , it leaves you disappointed either partially or completely. And if you confront the gentle human being! Boy, does it make you feel guilty! That is what actually made me realize how pointless it is to ex